Driftwood Dory Construction: Hull and Deck Assembly
The hull came together just like the plans said they would. Things pretty much lined up without adjustments needing to be made. "That 'll do."
The cross-boards helped to keep the frames flush with the bottom chine.
My rafting strap kit came in handy for holding things together while the frames were fastened to the hull with ring nails.
The bow frames took some extra effort to get into place. I should have fastened those first... just like the directions said. Yup, I should have read those first.
Fun moment, fairing the base of the bowpost.
Not so even or fair but that 'll do!
Whitewater bulkheads made from driftwood.
Lookin' boat-like. Not pretty but strong as an ox.
Whitewater decks installed and a coat or 3 of Oil, Varnish, Turpentine.
Whitewater hatches, check. Driftwood hand rails, check. Goudy flowers to make her a bachelorette boat, check.
Driftwood foot braces.
Driftwood trim.
Driftwood transom.
Ugly but good.
I sure hope these hatches are big enough to carry all our beer.
Some of the hardware like the bow and stern eye came from a store in Anacortes, WA that salvages from all the boat yards there. Really cool, really cheap.
The bailing buckets and stern lines also came from beach/ ocean drift.
It's a little off, but so am I and so are the trip passengers... a perfect fit.
Looks like it'll float. Wondering how fast it will leak. The bilge pump is already packed.
You'd think all that decking was built to keep it afloat in the whitewater, but you'd be wrong. It was built so that you can sleep on the boat at night. Thats the best part of the trip in my book.
Fast forward to the pack up and trip to the river. Fellow tripod member finds our route. Check out the rickety drift wood trailer. Yes, it held up the whole way!
I don't know why I put all that work into building a boat when we could have just gone down on a log. Oh well, you live and learn.
Our bachelorette and passenger Sabastian aprove of the driftwood dory's slighly leaky but nimble lines
Inflatable man for safety, check.
metallic unitard, check.
Captain's hat and veil, check.
Leopard print pin stripping, check.
Yeah, I think we've got everything. Lets head downstream!
She's just so darn cute. I couldn't add the driftwood boat to the bonfire. I think she'll last another season. Then I'll have to put her down.
Well, the drift wood dory actually held up better than expected so we kept it for another season. The drift wood trailer however did achieve its destiny as a fuel source for a rip roaring bonfire party.
The cross-boards helped to keep the frames flush with the bottom chine.
My rafting strap kit came in handy for holding things together while the frames were fastened to the hull with ring nails.
The bow frames took some extra effort to get into place. I should have fastened those first... just like the directions said. Yup, I should have read those first.
Fun moment, fairing the base of the bowpost.
Not so even or fair but that 'll do!
Whitewater bulkheads made from driftwood.
Lookin' boat-like. Not pretty but strong as an ox.
Whitewater decks installed and a coat or 3 of Oil, Varnish, Turpentine.
Whitewater hatches, check. Driftwood hand rails, check. Goudy flowers to make her a bachelorette boat, check.
Driftwood foot braces.
Driftwood trim.
Driftwood transom.
Ugly but good.
I sure hope these hatches are big enough to carry all our beer.
Some of the hardware like the bow and stern eye came from a store in Anacortes, WA that salvages from all the boat yards there. Really cool, really cheap.
The bailing buckets and stern lines also came from beach/ ocean drift.
It's a little off, but so am I and so are the trip passengers... a perfect fit.
Looks like it'll float. Wondering how fast it will leak. The bilge pump is already packed.
You'd think all that decking was built to keep it afloat in the whitewater, but you'd be wrong. It was built so that you can sleep on the boat at night. Thats the best part of the trip in my book.
Fast forward to the pack up and trip to the river. Fellow tripod member finds our route. Check out the rickety drift wood trailer. Yes, it held up the whole way!
I don't know why I put all that work into building a boat when we could have just gone down on a log. Oh well, you live and learn.
Our bachelorette and passenger Sabastian aprove of the driftwood dory's slighly leaky but nimble lines
Inflatable man for safety, check.
metallic unitard, check.
Captain's hat and veil, check.
Leopard print pin stripping, check.
Yeah, I think we've got everything. Lets head downstream!
She's just so darn cute. I couldn't add the driftwood boat to the bonfire. I think she'll last another season. Then I'll have to put her down.
Well, the drift wood dory actually held up better than expected so we kept it for another season. The drift wood trailer however did achieve its destiny as a fuel source for a rip roaring bonfire party.
Driftwood Dory Construction: Driftwood and frames
The dream... A boat made of driftwood, on the cheap, no chemicals, a big 'ol boat bonfire at the end of the trip. Say goodbye to storage fees!
30 days of building in the beautiful sunshine. Nailed it! But not before de-nailing it... The driftwood lumber that is. I may have developed some good karma by removing a major tetanus hazard from sunlight beach.
Beach combing is a lot more fun than shopping at the lumber yard. In a few days I had what I needed to begin cutting the frames.
Drift plywood got stacked for drying. I nearly sank my rowboat gathering these heavy pieces. That would have been pretty ironic. I am sure the residents of sunlight beach were a little perplexed and possibly entertained by my attempts to transport these sheets of waterlogged plywood.
The transom begins to take shape from a nice 3/4" piece of drift-ply.
Having done it once, I would not recommend cutting frames by hand from driftwood. Perhaps with a table saw it might work better. Very time consuming. Though, having done it once, does increase the odds that I'll do it again!
Frames are ready for assembly. Quite the mix of woods. I had to do 2 over again as they disintegrated when the screws went in.
I found this piece half buried in the sand. Carrying/ dragging/ rolling/ tumbling this log a 1/4 mile down the beach proved entertaining for local residents.
41.7 degrees... perfect! Well, close enough.
Sawing a bowpost by hand…. Pre-season training at its finest. There is nothing quite like touching a wooden oar to moving water with strong pair of hands.
Drift Boats and River Dories by Roger Fletcher, $50 bucks. Building a boat with deck screws and driftwood, $ priceless.
Lines: The 16ft Double-Ender with Transom by Woodie Hindman
Starting to wonder if this driftwood is gonna hold up.
Kleo the cat is doubtful.
With transom, bow post and frames constructed...
a celebratory toast.
Another beach combing find. The driftwood dory takes on its character. The love boat.
My neighbor Curtis lent me his building construction scrap pile. ...Boat building gold! 3/8" sheathing ply for the bottom. A little thin but as my motto for this boat build goes... "That 'll do."
Also from the scrap pile, 2x6" lumber which I ripped with a Harbor Frieight power hand saw-which is the scariest, dullest, most dangerous saw on the planet-never again! The pieces looked like they were attacked by a shark. A little elbow grease with a hand plane brought them into shape. Gunwales and chine logs, Check.
Next step, wait for the right weather to glue the scarfs for the plywood panels, gunwales and chine logs.
30 days of building in the beautiful sunshine. Nailed it! But not before de-nailing it... The driftwood lumber that is. I may have developed some good karma by removing a major tetanus hazard from sunlight beach.
Beach combing is a lot more fun than shopping at the lumber yard. In a few days I had what I needed to begin cutting the frames.
Drift plywood got stacked for drying. I nearly sank my rowboat gathering these heavy pieces. That would have been pretty ironic. I am sure the residents of sunlight beach were a little perplexed and possibly entertained by my attempts to transport these sheets of waterlogged plywood.
The transom begins to take shape from a nice 3/4" piece of drift-ply.
Having done it once, I would not recommend cutting frames by hand from driftwood. Perhaps with a table saw it might work better. Very time consuming. Though, having done it once, does increase the odds that I'll do it again!
Frames are ready for assembly. Quite the mix of woods. I had to do 2 over again as they disintegrated when the screws went in.
I found this piece half buried in the sand. Carrying/ dragging/ rolling/ tumbling this log a 1/4 mile down the beach proved entertaining for local residents.
41.7 degrees... perfect! Well, close enough.
Sawing a bowpost by hand…. Pre-season training at its finest. There is nothing quite like touching a wooden oar to moving water with strong pair of hands.
Drift Boats and River Dories by Roger Fletcher, $50 bucks. Building a boat with deck screws and driftwood, $ priceless.
Lines: The 16ft Double-Ender with Transom by Woodie Hindman
Starting to wonder if this driftwood is gonna hold up.
Kleo the cat is doubtful.
With transom, bow post and frames constructed...
a celebratory toast.
Another beach combing find. The driftwood dory takes on its character. The love boat.
My neighbor Curtis lent me his building construction scrap pile. ...Boat building gold! 3/8" sheathing ply for the bottom. A little thin but as my motto for this boat build goes... "That 'll do."
Also from the scrap pile, 2x6" lumber which I ripped with a Harbor Frieight power hand saw-which is the scariest, dullest, most dangerous saw on the planet-never again! The pieces looked like they were attacked by a shark. A little elbow grease with a hand plane brought them into shape. Gunwales and chine logs, Check.
Next step, wait for the right weather to glue the scarfs for the plywood panels, gunwales and chine logs.
Lower Salmon River MegaBachelorette
Lower Salmon River, Idaho
August 8, 2011
10,000-ish cfs
10 souls
3 boats, 1 hunk of rubber
Meredith christens the newest member of the tripod fleet... The Exodus. Made from driftwood and reclaimed construction scraps.
And yup, that's top shelf vodka pouring from the tupperware... long story.
Meredith makes her way toward Green Canyon with her designated highsider, Sebastian.
The Exodus aka the Love Boat carries the bride to be down stream.
The satsified boat builder.
Yes, that is a leopard print pin stripe.
Black Stallion and the trusty Zizumara does what they do best... cocktail hour.
And serves as a pretty darn good dance floor.
Good water, good weather, gooder people.
The Exodus exceeded expectations and will live to run another day.
August 8, 2011
10,000-ish cfs
10 souls
3 boats, 1 hunk of rubber
Meredith christens the newest member of the tripod fleet... The Exodus. Made from driftwood and reclaimed construction scraps.
And yup, that's top shelf vodka pouring from the tupperware... long story.
Meredith makes her way toward Green Canyon with her designated highsider, Sebastian.
Yes, that is a leopard print pin stripe.
Black Stallion and the trusty Zizumara does what they do best... cocktail hour.
And serves as a pretty darn good dance floor.
Good water, good weather, gooder people.
The Exodus exceeded expectations and will live to run another day.
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